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Facebook Graph Search Engine For Mobile

Updated March 18, 2021 Facebook continues to surprise me.  With over 1.28 billion active users each month and 802 million active users each day, the potential Facebook has to become larger and more powerful than Google is very real. What gives Facebook this power is...

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How To Write Great SEO Website Content

How To Write SEO Web Page Content Just because your business has a website doesn't mean that people will find it. Unless someone knows your URL, they will only get to your site if it comes up in a search. So you want people searching for what you do to see your name...

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Google Street View In Action

I'm sure some of you have seen the crazy-looking Google Street View cars with their cameras mounted on top.  I ran into one last December right before the Holidays.  Me and my dog were out for our morning walk down Magazine Street near Ninth in the Garden District of...

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Beta Testing Google Domains

I recently received an invite to be a beta tester for the latest and greatest attempt by Google to take over the online world. Google Domains is offering reasonably priced domain name registration. What it is offering in addition to this is what's really interesting....

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Google Fall Graphic

As the temperature here in New Orleans finally drops to a decent level, Google helps us welcome in the Fall of 2014 with its usual fun graphics.  Here are some screenshots of their Fall animation on today, Sept. 23, 2014:      

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New Local SEO Services and Packages

Webtyde Internet Marketing is now offering local SEO services and packages for new and small businesses target local geographic markets in the United States.  Our standard local search engine marketing campaigns are offered as full-service campaign packages for an...

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The Right To Be Forgotten Ruling

The EU's Court of Justice has ruled that Google, Bing, Yahoo, and any other search engines must allow people the "right to be forgotten". Google was ordered to comply when individuals ask for links to articles or websites to be removed. This is a major step forward...

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How does SEO work?

How does SEO work?

Prospective clients reach out to us all the time knowing that they need to rank higher on the Google search results but they don’t have any idea how we can help them do that. Understanding the basics of SEO strategy can help you put our proposals into perspective and...

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Google Tribute To Pac-Man’s 30th Anniversary

In the midst of taking over the world, Google made time to celebrate Pac-Man's 30th Anniversary, this important milestones in the history of the Geek, complete with fully interactive game in their logo. Happy birthday, Pac-Man! From Google: When I was growing up, my...

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Benefits of SEO, SEM, and Digital Marketing

While we’re always excited to teach clients who want to learn more about search engine marketing, our main goal is bringing you qualified leads.

Google says that 80 percent of their 1 billion or so daily Internet searches are for products or services. And over 40 percent of all Internet searches are locally focused. If you sell products online – nationally or worldwide – you must at least have an SEO-friendly website with a targeted keyword campaign to compete for the top place in those searches. If no one can find your website, no one can buy your products or services.

That’s why we offer organic geo-targeted local SEO services, PPC, social media setup, and website development for local businesses.

Internet marketing has an ROI that’s almost 8 times higher than the traditional, static advertising offered by newspapers and magazines, and SEO is central to successful Internet and search engine marketing.

SEO benefits you in the following ways:

  • Increases the visibility of your website on search engine results pages
  • Improves the volume and quality of qualified customer traffic to your site
  • Saves you a considerable amount of money (in comparison to print ads or PPC campaigns)
  • Expands your market share and brand awareness

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