Look Out SEO, Google Penguin Update is Coming

Gary Illyes, Google Webmastaer Trends Analyst and Search Quality Engineer, said Google may be launching an algorithm update to the existing “Penguin” algorithm.  Illyes announced this at the Search Marketing Expo – SMX East 2014 on October 2nd.  This...

Google Freshness Update

Earlier this month Google announced its newest algorithm that effects about 35% of its search results.  It’s dubbed the Google Freshness update and they are looking for freshly-baked information. This makes sense.  On November 3, 2011, Official Google...

Are You Ready For Google TV??

Yesterday, at around 10pm PT, Google officially announced it is launching Google TV.  Google TV has a fully functioning browser that you use from your television in your living room or bedroom.  So now, not only will you be able to roam most streets of this planet...

Google Prioritizing HTTPS: You Need an SSL

   Updated March 22, 2021   The search engine marketing industry is buzzing like a rattled be hive with the discovery of Google’s simple change from http://www.google.com to https://www.google.com.  Who would have thought an “s” would cause...