Spring Cleaning Your Ecommerce SEO Campaign

Spring Cleaning Your Ecommerce SEO Campaign

As if the task of spring cleaning your house isn’t daunting enough, it’s time for spring cleaning your ecommerce SEO campaign.  Ecommerce sites simply can’t afford to ignore their SEO given that 44% of people start their online shopping journey with...
Local SEO – Why It’s Important

Local SEO – Why It’s Important

Local SEO, or local search engine optimization, is the process of optimizing your business listing and/or website for keyword phrases you think your potential customers will be searching for within a local geographic area. When people search in Google, they will not...
What is Canonicalization?

What is Canonicalization?

Canonicalization sounds like a process for recognizing saints, but it’s actually one of the most important aspects of organic SEO. Consolidating your URLs (see below), or “good” canonicalization means search engines crawl more pages of your site. It means...
SEO Maintenance – Why You Need It

SEO Maintenance – Why You Need It

Some things need to be maintained more than others, but almost everything needs consistent maintenance in order to uphold the original integrity of the thing or idea. For instance, you should paint your house every five to eight years on average depending on such...

Google Panda Algorithm Update for March 2013

As SMX West wraps up for 2013, there were some interesting hints dropped by Matt Cutts during the Q&A session with Matt Cutts and Duane Forrestor. Matt mentioned that there should be a Panda algorithm update this Friday or Monday referring to March 15th, or 18th....